Duetti Packaging has been certified to NEW ISO 9001: 2015.Read more
EAC certification for RUSSIA is now available for all our products.Read more
New International Expo Centre Shanghai. “Bakery China” an international event promoting all bakeries, confectionary market and food industries worldwide. Read more
Il team Duetti vi ringrazia per le numerose visite e la fiducia accordata. Vi aspettiamo alla prossima edizione di IPACK-IMA Our team would like to thank you for your visits and trust you have placedRead more
Per il secondo anno consecutivo DUETTI PACKAGING S.R.L. è nella classifica del Financial Times “FT1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies” Read more
Duetti Packaging presente alla fiera IPACK-IMA 2018 a Milano. Vi aspettiamo al nostro stand D18 E17 padiglione 10. Read more
Duetti Packaging will be at ALL4PACK 2018 in Paris. Join us at our stand 6 A 108 Read more
Duetti Packaging will be present at the FachPack exhibition that will take place in Nuremberg, between the 24th and the 26th of September 2019. Visit us at HALL 3A STAND 135 Read more
Mercoledì 27/05/2020 è in programma un intervento di manutenzione sulle linee telefoniche pertanto potrebbe esserci qualche disservizio.
Wednesday 27/05/2020 a maintenance intervention is scheduled on the telephone lines, therefore there may be some disservice.